For Thanksgiving, we went to our friends, the Walters' house. We got to their house around 3 pm, but we had to wait another hour or so before eating because the turkey in the oven wouldn't cook. I think Abby is probably the only one who looks good in this picture from our family. The grownups always have a good habit of taking pictures while we eat. We enjoyed some very lovely games and fellowship with them and their family, and I am very grateful to God for having such great friends as these. Also, we had so much pie! We still have pie from Thanksgiving, and its been five days.
Christmas time is around the corner and I have been singing Christmas songs every morning when I wake up and when I am not doing school. I have also been so inspired as to go to Amazon and put on my wishlist all the Christmas CD's that I want. I'm so excited!! Except, one problem; I don't even think we have any plans for Christmas. I don't think we even have plans for Thanksgiving! But, even if we don't spend our time with friends or family, I will be as thankful and as joyful. And, I have no money for presents and upcoming birthdays so I need a job!!!
Hello everyone this is my blog. The name is a little strange, hehe, but this is not strange if you know me. I happen to like the 50's soc-hop times etc. And thus, everything in the oldies days' is beautiful to me. However, this does not mean that I dress this way or wear my hair like that....thankfully....hehe I hope that you will enjoy my blog throughout time.
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” -Mark Twain
Welcome to my cashier-type world, where everyday life is as simple as a cashier's job, and as exciting as a cashier's paycheck. I hope that in the passing days, I can show you how God has been graciously and mercifully working in my life. My name is Aliya Schlosser and this is my life.